“AGCF engaged Kim in an interim management role, as our CEO for a period of eighteen months. She provided us with strategic direction, increased our brand awareness; educated women about the 8 gynae cancers and worked diligently with Government and supporters to increase our funding. At all times Kim was thoughtful, passionate, enthusiastic, easy to work with and thoroughly professional”.
Di Langmack, OAM – Chair
“Kim provided us with invaluable advice to help us to achieve our fundraising goals. She took the time to listen to our fundraising history and understand where we wanted to take Just Peoples before providing us with personalised insights and sound advice tailored to Just Peoples, drawing from her wealth of experience and understanding of the philanthropic space. As a small team, it is vital that we hone our attention on the right things so that we can grow our impact and raise more funds to support our grassroots projects. Kim shared with us some great strategies to develop a stewardship plan to nurture our donor base and increase the lifetime value of our supporters”.
Johanna de Burca, Co – Founder
Marianne Shearer, Community College Gippsland Board Chair
Audrey Matthews, Community Development Officer – Health and Wellbeing
Robyn McCutchan, Executive Director – Marketing and Community Engagement
Neil Scott, Advancement Director
Professor Stephen Pickard, Executive Director
Shuie Gestetner, Director – Charidy Australia and Asia – Pacific
Robbie Franco, Vice President – March of the Living, Australia
“Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year.”
Lisa Milani, Chief Executive Officer
Kim’s support was invaluable and she was able to offer us continuous learning by being available to run ideas past, help build our skills and offer direction and advice.
We are truly grateful and look forward to more ways that we can work together in future.”